Well I just got in from a long ride - 85 miles in just over 5 miles. This was not a hard ride by any means but the wind sure made it interesting at points. There were not any huge hills I had to worry about - just larger rollers. Not a lot of time out of the saddle so they must have just been typical to my regular journeys locally. I purposely stayed off the side roads that I was riding for TransIowa because this is my longest ride since early April and I don't want to blow up before our tour.So in typical Bill fashion I am going report on yesterday's ride and play Ketsup all weekend long.
See that first picture - the sun was shining :) - It was about time!

I was cruising down Rt-240 and I saw this awesome small waterfall so I pulled over, climbed down to creek level and took some pictures of it. I love how the light is filtering down.

My home away from home for the majority of the year. I mountain bike here during the summer and this is my favorite ski trails because I can go get lost and not see a soul. People don't realize what they are missing and this is 1 hour via bike or 20 minutes via car from my house - Yes I am blessed!

Found this area - Will be exploring that on skis this winter for sure. Looks like it might be snowmobile accessible with the bridge to the left but I am sure I will find lots and lots of deep powder to explore on the skis!

I took the Felt Breed - A single speed cyclocross bike that I have commuter slicks on. I decided to try it on the single track but I knew it was going to be dicey because of all the rain we had this week and the tires. I didn't go down but came close a few times. This is one of my favorite bikes - I love the simplicity of it. 1 bottle cage, no gears to worry about, quick reacting.

With the rain we had some pretty vicious winds as well. This was blocking the single track so I thought I would give it some press time because I am sure the trail club will have this bugger diced up this weekend. It could be gone right now as a matter of fact.
Tomorrow I will post the photos of today's ride and then wrap up the weekend with a Monday recap. By the way I was eating a recovery shake while typing this - Vanilla Ice Cream, Frozen Fruit, Vanilla Protein Powder - YUMMY :)
Have a great day and get out and ride those bikes!
1 comment:
That sounds like a beautiful ride. Nice pictures. I always wonder why the roads are not full of bicyclists.
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