Monday, March 30, 2009

End of March Update

Downtown Buffalo from Southern Erie County

So training has been going well. I have gotten at least one long bike ride in each weekend and I have the final bike preparations under way.

I put some 700x35 cross tires on for TransIowa and ordered a new set of wheels so I can have them on a set and my mountain bike tires on another set for easy transition. My next move is to get some good lighting and am thinking about switching out either the middle or large chain ring for a larger middle or smaller large ring. Contemplate it for the next couple of days while I ride my current setup.

Me on Green Mountain in Colorado with my rental bike (Wish it was mine for real :) )

I am heading down to Ohio for 2 days this week and hopefully can get some good mileage in without interfering with family time. Should be nice if the roads are dry. If not - I get wet I guess!

This weekend I have Ellicottville as my tentative Saturday destination location. That should put me over 80 miles and then Sunday I will do around 40. In the next couple of weeks I will be doing my night ride to see how that works out.

I feel very confident about Iowa right now and am really looking forward to the race!

See you on the roads!
Actually remembered to take a couple of pictures last time out :)

Lake Erie and the wine country of Southern Erie County

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Howdy Again

Well since my last post (sometime Mid January) I have been to Colorado & New Mexico (and returning again next week) for work (and a little play also). While home the last time, my sister Michele and I went skate skiing up at Breckenridge Nordic Center. This was a great time and the people there are superfriendly - especially my new Half-Mother Mary for feeding me some of her homemade chili after I was done :). That is my sister above. She would not take any pictures of me because I was the better skier that day :)

I also stole my sister's, way too small for me, mountain bike and went riding at Green Mountain. I did something I never knew I was capable of - ride without a helmet. Not the smartest thing but it is not real technical so I was not too worried. Just won't ever do that again!

Then I drove to Pueblo and then Albuquerque for the day. This is a picture from my drive. I miss the mountains when I see them like this. I do not miss having to spend so much time on the highway just to get to the ski area though :(.
Training for TransIowa is going good. Been on the bike just over 500 miles already this year. That number will keep growing with my commutes and long rides on the weekend. One of these days I will remember to bring my camera with me so I can take some pictures and make this blog cool like others out there.
Have a great day.