Monday, February 8, 2010

Loose Ramblings Running Through My Head

So this weekend was a pretty busy weekend and there was also a little thing called the Super Bowl going on as well. I just have some ramblings that I need to get out of my head so I figured what better place to do that than on my blog!I remember my first boss back when I was 16 or so telling me that I was a non-conformist. We were discussing something at work and I did not even know what she meant at the time. Here is what Webster-Rogers has to say about it:

Nonconformism is, in general, the refusal to conform to common standards, conventions, rules, customs, traditions, norms, or laws.

Looking at it I guess my biggest fault is norms, then common standards, followed by conventions. I love rules, customs, traditions, and laws so I am good there. I wear jeans to church, I wear a hoodie in bed and even slept in one last night, and I just figure that this is my life and I want to experience things so many refuse to see the good in. So last night on my bike ride I was thinking about this because of 2 key points; 1) I was riding a bike in Buffalo, NY on a snowmobile trail and it was about 15 degrees outside and 2) I was not holed up watching the Super Bowl and pretty much made it a point to not be doing so just so I could tell people I did not even watch the "Big Game". I wonder if this makes me Non-American or as they like to say on beginnertriathlete: Why do you hate America? - lol

Then I came to an open meadow on the trail that I had not ridden on yet and was awed by the awesome emptiness I was in. The sky was clear, the stars were shinning, I was 2 miles from any type of civilization even though I could see lights on across the v
alley on the other hill. So I stopped and shut off my lights and just stared around. It is moments like this that make me want to have a good camera so I can take photos at night!

I thought back to the baptism service we had at church today and the 8 people that made an outward declaration of their belief in God and that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. What an awesome day it turned out to be. I had the privilege of seeing 8 baptisms, had some great fellowship at a potluck following, hung out with the family for a while, and got to ride my back into a world that very few ever do get to see and the ones that do are on a snowmobile just flying by it!

I thought about the Jenna, the 17 y/o who is battling Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and how I bet she would do anything to be able to ride a bike much less ride a bike into a frozen snow covered meadow and to see God's glory at it's finest in the stars, the skies, and the surroundings. And there are many more who are battling just like she is! But the good thing is there are many that have survived as well!

Her mom posted this in her blog yesterday:
“When your faith endures many conflicts and your spirit sinks low, do not condemn yourself. There is a reason for your season of heaviness. Great soldiers are not made without war. Skillful sailors are not trained on the shore. It appears that if you are to become a great believer you will be greatly tested. If you are to be a great helper to others, you must pass through their trials. The uncut diamond has little brilliance, the unthreshed corn feeds no one, and the untried believer is of little use or beauty. There are great benefits to come from your trials and depression…Charles Spurgeon

Fight Jenna Fight! Now my mind is at peace and my prayers turn from self to Jenna and the many others needing God's loving comfort and grace at this time!

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