Thursday, May 21, 2009

Beautiful Commuting Weather

5-Day Forecast for ZIP Code 14170 Customize Your Icons!
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
79° F | 54° F
Partly Cloudy
72° F | 49° F
Chance of Rain
72° F | 49° F
Partly Cloudy
68° F | 45° F
Partly Cloudy
67° F | 49° F
Clear Partly Cloudy Chance of Rain
30% chance of precipitation
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy
Today is forecast to be Warmer than yesterday.

Well this is how the week turned out to be. I have been on the bike every day since last Friday May 15th. I took today off because it is Jake's birthday, but will be back on it tomorrow and the whole weekend, if the forecast holds out.

Speaking of the birthday boy:

Christmas 2005

Summer 2006

Last Summer Fishing - They just went last night again so this must be 1 year old exactly (or pretty close).

He is growing up into quite the young man with a beautiful heart that loves the Lord and a good sense of humor also!

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