Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life Happens - Photo Dump

Been crazy busy with family and recreational activities.  Bought a kayak recently and have started doing that along with bike rides :).  Here are some photos - enjoy.

Barn on commute to work - tried getting the sun through the cracks but it didn't really work

2nd attempt at sun through the barn

My Kayak and 18 Mile Creek

All mine :) - well and the fish and insects

Ahhh - so relaxing

Near the end - the boat was spinning and shutter was opened so that is why it looks off
This is my favorite picture - the fog, the low light, the water, and my kayak
Enjoy and have a great day - get outside and do something exciting and adventurous.  Your adventure might not be my adventure but all that matters is that you are happy!

1 comment:

Lora Abernathy said...

Love the 18 Mile Creek photo. Stunning.