Thursday, July 2, 2009

Creative and informative Blogs I read

There are some amazingly creative and good blog writers out there on the Internet today. Here is a list of the main ones I follow on a weekly (if not daily) basis: - Guitar Ted - Race Director of Trans Iowa and the GTDRI. Both rides will have linkage from his main blog. Very bike knowledgeable and all around good guy. - Jill Homer - This girl is an amazing athlete although she would never admit to being one. Currently she is on pace for the fastest Female Tour Divide Race finish ( and she has awesome writings and photographs during her training rides throughout North America. - Charlie Farrow - Trans Iowa and numerous other races veteran. Has an awesome writing style which shows his literary knowledge and intelligence. Plus he just swore off gears and is running solely single speed bikes for the foreseeable future :) - GNAT (God first (how awesome is that) and the first letters of his twins names. Does some great writing and cool photos. Just recently came across this blog but it is definitely worth looking into if you love riding your bicycle like I do :) - This person is great. Bike reviews, tears down people in a nice type of way, and great writer from NYC. Great spin on the bicycle community (but I don't think he likes Portland much :) )

There are some for you to check into. One day I would like to be that creative. Just don't know if I have it in me.

HAPPY 4th OF JULY HOLIDAY EVERYONE (And HAPPY CANADA DAY (Sorry it is late) to our friends up north!)