Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Weekend Back in Reality

We returned from our the Freedom Tour on Thursday afternoon. We sat in Erie, PA at dinner and I told my buddy Todd that when we hit Dunkirk, NY tomorrow around 1:00pm I was going to have a hard time checking into a hotel. He agreed with me and we put the plan in action to just ride from Erie, PA home instead.

It was right around 100 miles - but as I have said a couple of times during the tour - it was the easiest 100 miles I have ever ridden. We were in Dunkirk at 11:45, grabbed some lunch, waited for a friend to join us to ride back with us, hit the road, and were at the church at 3:15pm.

Friday was a very casual day around the house and I rode Saturday and Sunday. These pictures are from my Saturday ride. Sunday was my official I think I am tired day on the bike. I rode to my mountain bike mecca but the legs just didn't have it in them so I tooled around a little and headed home.

18 Mile Creek in Hamburg, NY

I was trying to get the cliffs in the picture but not so good!

My natural vitamin D source

Still working on getting back into the swing of reality - but it is coming along. I have been back on the bike since Sunday but no photos - this weekend I promise. I hope to do more mountain biking because I just found out about a mountain bike race!

1 comment:

MrDaveyGie said...

Those pictures remind of why I ride country style, few cars, peace, and quietness. YaHoo.